Mastana Mahi is a Hum Tv Drama Serial written by Samira Fazal and Directed by Roomi Insha.The story revolves around Adil, Aleen and Suhayi. Adil is a respectable landlord of Sindh, living in South Africa. He is interested in Aleen, but she is in love with Mike and wishes to marry him against her parents wishes. Adil helps Aleen in escaping and return to Pakistan with a broken heart. He takes over his uncles seat in elections when the latter is killed in a blast, his mother fixes his marriage with his uncle's ten year old daugther, Suhayi.After marrying Suhayi he goes back to South Africa. Fate brings him to another part of life where he marries Aleen. He brings Aleen back to Pakistan. Adil's new journey starts after marrying Aleen and Suhayi.
Cast: Fahad Mustafa, Sajal Khan, Mehreen Raheel, Deepti Gupta, Saifee Hasan, Anita Camphor
Director: Roomi Insha
Writer: Samira Fazal
Producer: Momina Duraid
Click Here To Watch Mastana Mahi by HUM TV Last Episode
Cast: Fahad Mustafa, Sajal Khan, Mehreen Raheel, Deepti Gupta, Saifee Hasan, Anita Camphor
Director: Roomi Insha
Writer: Samira Fazal
Producer: Momina Duraid
Click Here To Watch Mastana Mahi by HUM TV Last Episode