Wednesday, November 13, 2013

CS201 Quiz No. 01 Introduction to Programming online Solution Fall semester 2013

Due Date: Nov 19,2013 :Quiz No. 01 of CS201 will be started from Monday, November 18, 2013 and ends at Tuesday, November 19, 2013.
It will cover 1-6 lectures. There will be 10 questions in the quiz.
There is no bonus day for quiz.
(1) The quiz will be from 1 to 6th lectures.
(2) There will be multiple choice questions.
(3) You have to solve the questions online; no quiz solution will be accepted through email.
(4) As you start solving the quiz and suddenly light switch off, the quiz will be started from that question where light will be off
Before starting QUIZ, Please read the following instructions carefully;
1) Quiz will be comprised of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
2) You have to attempt the quiz online. You can start your attempt anytime within given duration of given time by clicking the link of Quiz on vulms
3) The time to attempt the Quiz will be limited. Once you will login, the countdown will start and you have to complete the quiz in given time interval. So always keep an eye on the remaining time.
4) Attempting quiz is unidirectional. Once if you move forward to the next question, you can not go back to the previous one. Therefore before moving to the next question, make sure that you have selected the best option.
5) If for any reason, you lose access to internet (like power failure or disconnection of internet); you will be able to attempt the quiz again from the position where you left in last attempt. But remember that you have to complete the quiz before expiry of the deadline.
6) If any student failed to attempt the quiz in given time then no re-take or offline quiz will be held.