Dear Students!This is to inform that Quiz # 01 will be opened on Nov 17, 2013 and last date to attempt quiz will be Nov 19, 2013
Ideal Solution and Discussion Fall 2013
mgt602 Solved Online Quiz
10 Questions
10 Marks
Professional support network includes following EXCEPT:
Select correct option:
Personal affiliations
Trade associations
The person with capital was differentiated from the one who needed the capital in the:
Select correct option:
Middle ages
17th century
18th century
20th century
Which of the following describes the statement "entrepreneurship within an existing organization"?
Select correct option:
High potential venture
The resources acquired from others(creditors, banks etc) are usually:
Select correct option:
Easily available
Difficult to obtain
Very useful
Very cheap
Which of the following type of merger have the combination of at least two firms doing similar businesses at the same market level?
Select correct option:
Vertical merger
Product extension merger
Horizontal merger
Diversified activity merger
Which one of the following is the moral support network for an entrepreneur?
Select correct option:
Trade associations
Professional affiliations
Business associates
The entrepreneur must possess the abilities:
Select correct option:
Understanding environment
All of the given options
Which of the following factors does not affect a person for being an entrepreneur?
Ideal Solution and Discussion Fall 2013
mgt602 Solved Online Quiz
10 Questions
10 Marks
Professional support network includes following EXCEPT:
Select correct option:
Personal affiliations
Trade associations
The person with capital was differentiated from the one who needed the capital in the:
Select correct option:
Middle ages
17th century
18th century
20th century
Which of the following describes the statement "entrepreneurship within an existing organization"?
Select correct option:
High potential venture
The resources acquired from others(creditors, banks etc) are usually:
Select correct option:
Easily available
Difficult to obtain
Very useful
Very cheap
Which of the following type of merger have the combination of at least two firms doing similar businesses at the same market level?
Select correct option:
Vertical merger
Product extension merger
Horizontal merger
Diversified activity merger
Which one of the following is the moral support network for an entrepreneur?
Select correct option:
Trade associations
Professional affiliations
Business associates
The entrepreneur must possess the abilities:
Select correct option:
Understanding environment
All of the given options
Which of the following factors does not affect a person for being an entrepreneur?